Who can benefit from wearing insoles and why?

Mel Watts

Last Update há 2 anos

Any person with or without a foot problem can benefit from wearing insoles! It is estimated that over 70% of the population suffer from rolling inwards of the foot and fallen arches (i.e., excess pronation), which is the major contributing factor to foot problems. As we get older this problem often worsens.

These persons in particular can benefit greatly from wearing insoles:

Those over 50: As we get older, the muscles and ligaments in the foot become weaker, as do the bones due to calcium reduction. In addition, the fatty padding under the foot thins out, which means less protection and cushioning for the bones, in particular the heel bone. Fallen arches combined with thinning fat tissue are a recipe for foot problems. Heel spurs are the most common foot complaints for those over 50.

People who are on their feet all day: Factory workers, nurses, teachers, people in retail and many other industries are required to stand on their feet for hours each day. Hard, unforgiving surfaces like concrete and asphalt take their toll after prolonged standing even for young and healthy people! Most common complaints are tired, aching feet and legs as well as low back pain. Women who are required to wear dress shoes with heels (e.g., in retail or hospitality) often suffer from pain under the ball of foot (metatarsalgia) and/or aching legs.

Runners & athletes: Because athletes put so much strain on their muscles and bones and ground reaction forces are much higher (up to 4 times the body weight), biomechanical injuries are more the rule than the exception. Insoles play a major role in preventing sports injuries such as Achilles Tendonitis, shin splints and problems in and around the knee joint. Plus, running pain-free enables any athlete to perform better!

High-heel wearers: Most women know that high heels are not good for their feet, however many women do wear them. Common symptoms occurring from wearing high heels are pain in the back of the legs (and shortening of the calf muscles over the long term), ball of foot pain, pain under the arch and the heel. Vionic Slimfit insoles are specifically designed to reduce discomfort associated by heeled shoes and sandals.

Pregnant or overweight people: Excess weight worsens the effects of excess pronation and its related pains. Proper alignment and support are crucial for those carrying additional weight, which creates additional forces on the feet, ankles, knees and back.

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